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HPV FDA Approved screening:

women ages 21 years and older  =  Pap, reflex to Aptima HPV if ASC-US 

women ages 30 years and older (ACOG limits age to 65)  =  Pap + Aptima HPV 


Our Recommended FDA HPV testing algorithm:

women ages 21-29 = Pap, reflex to HPV testing if ASC-US

women ages 30-65 = Pap + HPV (co-testing)


Chlamydia and Gonorrhea testing:

all sexually active women ages 15-25

women at increased risk for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea



We automatically reflex to genotyping for the oncogenic types 16 and 18/45 for HPV positive cases.  These genotypes are responsible for 75% of all squamous cell cervical cancers and 94% of cervical adenocarcinomas.



ASCCP treatment and testing Guidelines:


We recommend the mobile app: 
















Google Play:

Apple AppStore:

Thin Preps         PAP Smears     HPV testing    Molecular and Genetic Studies    GI Pathology    Histology   Cytology  Anatomic  Pathology   Clinical Pathology  CPA  Lab

Serving the  Big Country and West Texas for over 50 years

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