Women's Health Test Menu with Screening Recommendations
(ThinPrep®, Aptima Swabs, Urine, Bactiswab )
The clinician must determine the use and relevance of the results of these tests when ordering outside of these parameters.
Only minimal ThinPrep® approved lubricants should be used during collection.
CDC recommendations for STIs:
Provider Education:
ThinPrep® liquid based Cytology 33717-0
HPV High Risk with 16, 18/45 Genotyping 49896-4
FDA approved cervical screening with Aptima HPV test:
women ages 21 years and older = Pap, reflex to Aptima HPV if ASC-US
women ages 30 years and older (ACOG limits age to 65) = Pap + Aptima HPV
​ ϮChlamydia trachomatis (CT) and
Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC) via Aptima Combo 2 TMA Assay 64017-7
​ϮTrichomonas Vaginalis (Aptima TMA) 46154-1
​Mycoplasma Genitalium 69935-5
(Orange Multitest swab of anogenital lesion) 80354-4
ϮCPA can only accept these specimens if the client is NOT currently using Hendrick Regional Lab for these tests. This does not apply if testing off a ThinPrep specimen.