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Women's Health Test Menu with Screening Recommendations

(ThinPrep®, Aptima Swabs, Urine, Bactiswab )





The clinician must determine the use and relevance of the results of these tests when ordering outside of these parameters.

Only minimal ThinPrep® approved lubricants should be used during collection.


CDC recommendations for STIs:




Provider Education:





Patient Education (CDC):




ThinPrep® liquid based Cytology 33717-0



 HPV High Risk with 16, 18/45 Genotyping 49896-4

        FDA approved  cervical screening with Aptima HPV test:

           women ages 21 years and older  =  Pap, reflex to Aptima HPV if ASC-US 

           women ages 30 years and older (ACOG limits age to 65)  =  Pap + Aptima HPV 




​ Ï®Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) and


 Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC) via Aptima Combo 2 TMA Assay 64017-7



 â€‹Ï®Trichomonas Vaginalis (Aptima TMA)  46154-1





      CV/TV  62460-1


      BV    69568-4



 â€‹Mycoplasma Genitalium  69935-5




 HSV 1 & 2

(Orange Multitest swab of anogenital lesion)  80354-4








Ï®CPA can only accept these specimens if the client is NOT currently using Hendrick Regional Lab for these tests.  This does not apply if testing off a ThinPrep specimen.


New logo with title jpg solid background

Thin Preps         PAP Smears     HPV testing    Molecular and Genetic Studies    GI Pathology    Histology   Cytology  Anatomic  Pathology   Clinical Pathology  CPA  Lab

Serving the  Big Country and West Texas for over 50 years

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