Anatomic Pathology Experts Serving Abilene, The Big Country, and surrounding rural areas in Texas
Local, independent anatomic pathology lab providing service in all areas of pathology
We are driven by quality of care, accuracy, relationships, and thinking of every specimen as a person and potential family member
Board certified pathologists, pathologists' assistant, cytotechnologist, histotechnicians, histotechnologist
Women's health services (FDA approved HPV, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Trichomonas testing from the ThinPrep vial)
Local Abilene, TX office with in-house billing
STAT processing and intraprocedural consultation (frozen section) available
On-site advanced diagnostic technologies, including Transcription Mediated Amplification for women’s health screening
Prompt turnaround (next business day for uncomplicated specimens)
We are local (physicians involved in community, supporting local economy)
Courier system provided
Accept all third party payers
Over 250 years of combined experience
Cost conscious, we only perform the necessary tests
Flexible to suit your specific pathology needs

If you are a health service provider and you need Pathology services, let us be your comprehensive friendly solution.
Contact Jennifer Talley for more information: